General Settings
In General Settings you can find options related to the entire site such as fonts, favicon, content colors and more.
To edit general settings navigate to Theme Options -> General page at your Dashboard.[/one_third]
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Choose a Font
You can change headings font for the whole website. Simply choose from hundreds of available google fonts from the dropdown.
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Check to disable Google Fonts
If you, for some reason, don’t want to use google fonts, then you will want to turn on this option to disable it. After that default font will be used.
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Favicon URL
Favicon is a small icon that browsers use for your website to make it more recognizable, for example in your bookmarks or history. If a website has a favicon then you will usually see it to the left of the address bar or in browser tab. You need to type full URL to your favicon.ico (i.e.: http://Themoholics.com/images/favicon.ico)
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Disable login page styling
By default login page has our custom styling. If you want to disable it and switch to the default WordPress login page styling, simply turn on this option.
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Disable responsiveness
Our website has responsive design what means it change it look on different resolutions to improve usablility and also make it fully functional on devices. If you don’t want it to change layout for different resolutions and stay fixed, then you can turn on this option.
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Color settings
This options allows you to choose colors for the following content (on the light background by default) elements: texts, headings and links.
[notification type=”notification_info_tiny”] You can also edit colors for footer and header elements in Footer and Header settings, respectively. [/notification] [totop] to Top [/totop]